Getting Started: Phase I
Two Months
Complete Diagnosis
- Census
- Help parish conduct census, to get up-to-date contact and attendance information.
- Survey
- Is the parish meeting parishioners’ needs?
- Are the liturgies holy, inspiring, moving parishioners to the transcendence?
- Does the parish provide them with a strong spiritual experience?
- Does the parish help them live a better Catholic life?
- Demographics
- From the census, we can look at the ages of parishioners, especially of active parishioners.
- We can predict future participation and income streams, if the parish maintains the status quo.
- Inactive parishioners: we have plans for immediate and personal evangelization.
Review of Parish Ministries, Spiritual Activities, Social Events
- Ministries
- Examination of all parish ministries and who is involved.
- Are they meeting their stated mission statements?
- Are they evangelizing & recruiting new members?
- Spiritual Activities
- We will examine the parish’s spiritual events, novenas, adorations, holy hours, forty hours, stations of the cross, Bible study, inter alia.
- We will look at attendance and how they are advertised and run.
- Social Events
- Social events are important for parish cohesion.
- We will examine the levels of Catholic identity and evangelization within social events.
Review of Evangelization and Catechism in Religious Education
- Students
- We will examine levels of catechistical knowledge and evangelization of students in the classes.
- Do they go to Mass?
- We can then create or recommend a catechism and evangelism plan for teachers and administrators, so they can properly catechize and evangelize in class
- Parents
- We will examine levels of catechistical knowledge and evangelization pf parents.
- Do they go to Mass?
- We can then create a catechism and evangelism plan for teachers and administrators to use, and/or create ministries where this is a priority with parents.
- Religious Educators
- We will examine levels of catechistical knowledge and evangelization of all educators, especially religious educators in the classes. (We can do this with parish staff also).
- Do they go to Mass?
- We can then create a catechism and evangelism plan for educators and staff to follow in their own lives.
- While we follow the steps below, we will bring an immediate, emergency plan to make up for some revenues lost during the lock-down and bring those who attended Mass before the virus back to Mass.
- Review of sources of parish income and expenses.
- We chart the future revenue streams and expenses if parish remains status quo, based on census.
- Are parish fundraisers effective?
- Does the parish make good use of community sponsorship?
- We can recommend a complete audit.
- This will set the ability to plan and set goals to increase populations and contributions in Phase II.